打響好愛獅子王!經常聽獅子王的歌都會哭,就連剛剛聽這首Hakuna Matata都不例外!這個畫面,正好是獅子王第一集他們(辛巴、澎澎、丁滿)一起唱Hakuna Matata的時候。只有緊繃過的人,才能體會什麼叫做「放鬆」。他們一起唱這首歌的背景,是辛巴的爸爸死了之後,彭彭跟丁滿把牠叫醒,並陪伴牠長大。父親的死,鐵定讓辛巴很緊繃,而彭彭跟丁滿則扮演教牠放鬆、調劑身心的腳色。緊繃的迪兒啊,歡迎跟打響一起來到彭彭跟丁滿的世界吧,這裡沒有擔憂,只有放鬆。
打響喜歡Hakuna Matata是因為歌詞很輕鬆:
Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days(這代表你的餘生都不用擔心)
It's our problem-free philosophy
In Upendi
Where the passionfruit grows sweet
And it's so divine
That you lose your mind
As it sweeps you off your feet
In Upendi
Without a worry or a care
It just takes two
To make it true
Your heart will lead you there
You can beat the bush like there's no tomorrow
From Tanganyika to Kilimanjaro
But you'll find Upendi wherever you are
Oh underneath the sun